I'm a thinker. I like to wrestle with things, analyze theories and ideas, discuss/argue, etc. Now that I do that for my job, I seem to do that with seemingly insignigicant things. To clarify, I argue about whether someone is a healthcare surrogate, whether that arbitration agreement is enforceable, whether that nursing home killed someone, etc. Those can be important things and are very significant to the people whose lives they affect. I think that what I do is important and does impact people's lives, for the better I hope. However, I long to wrestle with things that have more of an eternal value. By the end of the day, my mind is tired. I don't have the energy to really think about much of anything. I just want to get through the meal prepping, diaper changing, lunch packing, feeding, bathing, bottle prep, pump cleaning, dish cleaning, clothes washing, folding, etc. that greets me at home each evening. By the time that's over, I'm ready to crash. Before I know it, I'm up the next day endeavoring to get out the door and to work on time. The daily grind begins again.
[image: If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?]
If sinners cannot seek God, how does anyone receive salvation? Pastor John
shows that God must give his ...
Laura -
I just found your blog via Elizabeth ... it was good to see you on Saturday! Your kids are so cute!! :)
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