I hope everyone gets a kick out of what goes on at my house in the morning. There's always some sort of craziness in the Owings' house. This morning was no exception.
We went to Atlanta for the weekend, and we got home at about 7:30 p.m. Sunday night. Jon unloaded the car and told me that he had brough everything into the house. I was completely exhausted and finally got to sleep around 10:00 p.m. I overslept a little bit (like an hour), so the morning was super rushed. At some point during the morning, I checked my purse to make sure that my car keys are in it, and they were. I was running late, and I looked around for my makeup bag to do my makeup. I couldn't find it anywhere. I tore up the house looking for it, but it was nowhere to be found. I called Jon and asked where he put it. Apparently, he hadn't completely unloaded the car. My makeup was still in his car 45 minutes away in Collierville. Just great. No makeup today.
It was then time to get out the door. I wanted to change Nash's diaper before putting him in his car seat. I got him all ready, and then I heard him fill it up again. Great. I changed another diaper. While I'm changing this one, he pooped some more. Just what I needed! I finally get him ready to go. Meanwhile, Shea had climbed back in her bed and didn't want to leave. It took some coaxing to get her down and out the door.
We were finally walking out the door about 15 minutes behind schedule. I was lugging Shea's backpack, Nash's diaper bag, a grocery bag w/ Shea's sheets and blanket for daycare, my purse, and Nash in his car seat while Shea walks ahead of us. We got to the car, and I looked in my purse for my keys. Umm, they're not in there. I put everything down and frantically searched for them. No such luck. After re-searching a few more times, I realized they really weren't in my purse. At least I remembered my cell phone. Now, my next-door-neighbors had taken care of Leia (our dog) while we were out of town, and they had a key. I didn't see a car in the driveway, and they didn't answer they're home phone. No problem. I though, "Valerie lives a block away and she has a key." No answer. I called my neighbor's cell phone, and she said her daughter was home asleep and that she'd call, wake her up, and get her to walk the key over. I wait a few more minutes. Then, I saw Valerie's car driving down the street. I called her again. Thank goodness that she answered the phone! She had may house key with her, so she turns around to come let me in. She watched my kids in the yard while I run in to get my keys. I, however, could not find them anywhere.
I had to go get my kids and bring them back inside so Valerie could get to work (and tell everyone why I'll be late). I turned the house upside down looking for my keys. I called Jon asking him where they are and made him check to see if he'd accidentally picked them up. At the same time, Nash was screaming because he's still in his car seat. I heard Shea say uh-oh, and I turned around to see her standing in the living room in a puddle of pee. I was about ready to pull my hair out. I took her to the bathroom to clean her up, and low and behold, there are my keys! They were in the bathroom. I'm not sure how they got there, but I suspect Shea may have had something to do with it.
I finally got us all out the door and got to work almost an hour late. Then, I didn't have my "fob" to get in the door, so I had to go up front to get the receptionist to let my into my office. What a morning! I think that sometime soon I'll be able to laugh about it.
[image: If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?]
If sinners cannot seek God, how does anyone receive salvation? Pastor John
shows that God must give his ...
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