Last night, Jon attempted to tell me everything that Michael Phelps eats for breakfast. The amount of food was so staggering that Jon couldn't remember it all. I looked it up today, and I am so amazed that I'm blogging about it. I'm doing Jenny Craig now, and I get 2300 calories a day because I'm breastfeeding. The way I'm doing it, I have a lot that I'm supposed to eat throughout the day, and I rarely eat everything that I'm supposed to. Michael Phelps eats almost double the calories that I get in an entire day! I cannot imaging trying to get down 12,000 calories like Michael Phelps does, unless it was all cake and ice cream. :)
Here's the article from the NY Post:
By CLEMENTE LISI with Post Wire ServicesSwimming sensation Michael Phelps has an Olympic recipe for success - and it involves eating a staggering 12,000 calories a day.
"Eat, sleep and swim. That's all I can do," Phelps, who won two more gold medals today, told NBC when asked what he needs to win medals. "Get some calories into my system and try to recover the best I can."
By comparison, the average man of the same age needs to ingest about 2,000 calories a day.
Phelps, 23, will swim 17 times over nine days of competition at the Beijing Games - meaning that he will need all the calories he can shovel in his mouth in order to keep his energy levels high.
Phelps' diet - which involves ingesting 4,000 calories every time he sits down for a meal - resembles that of a reckless overeater rather than an Olympian.
Phelps lends a new spin to the phrase "Breakfast of Champions" by starting off his day by eating three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise.
He follows that up with two cups of coffee, a five-egg omelet, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar and three chocolate-chip pancakes.
At lunch, Phelps gobbles up a pound of enriched pasta and two large ham and cheese sandwiches slathered with mayo on white bread - capping off the meal by chugging about 1,000 calories worth of energy drinks.
For dinner, Phelps really loads up on the carbs - what he needs to give him plenty of energy for his five-hours-a-day, six-days-a-week regimen - with a pound of pasta and an entire pizza.
He washes all that down with another 1,000 calories worth of energy drinks.
Phelps remains on course to at least equal Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals won at the 1972 Munich Games.
At these Summer Games, a typical day for Phelps starts with a 5 a.m. wake-up call. Most of his races have taken place between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET when in China - 12 hours ahead of East Coast time.
[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we
still experienc...
I also thought that was crazy! That wouldn't even fit in the stomach. We were watching the olympics when they did the special story on his caloric intake... unbelievable. What do you think of Jenny Craig?
I really like it. The food is really good. I don't have time to plan out a diet menu, so having all done for me has been great. I get to eat a whole lot of food, and I'm still losing weight. I've been doing it for 3.5 weeks, and I think that I've lost about 10 lbs (even though I'm supposed to be losing only 1 lb/week). I eat breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. I'm also supposed to fit in an additional two sandwiches and two cups of milk sometime during the day.
wow! that's almost as much as joey eats!!! ;)
The book I picked up while in Memphis last year, puts those figures to shame, Dean Karnazes the ultra marathon runner ran a 199 mile event that was for relay teams, but he did the whole thing himself caloric intake:27,934! course that was over a couple of days!
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