I meant to update everyone on my discovery last week, but I forgot. If you've read this blog for long, you might remember that sometime in July, I managed to lose both my entire set of keys and my fob for work. I thought that they might turn up when I cleaned my house. I really hadn't cleaned it up since then, but I had turned it upside down looking for both.
Well, I took a Friday off to get some stuff down around the house. Although I worked very hard that day, my house didn't look like I'd done a thing in it. It was that bad. Saturday, day two of cleaning, showed more progress. Sometime that day, I was picking up stuff from under the desk in the living room, and I noticed something shiny poking out from behind the desk. I investigated further and discovered my keys. They had fallen behind my desk, but not all the way to the ground. They were wedged between the desk and the wall about half-way down. That's why I couldn't find them! I'm so excited to have them again! Jon is thrilled that he has his front door key back. (I had refused to make another one b/c I just knew my keys would turn up.)
Later on that same Saturday, I was cleaning up Shea's room, and I saw something in her toy bin that didn't seem to fit. Low and behold, it was my long lost fob. Another wonderful discovery! I really should straighten up and clean more often. No telling what else I could discover buried in my house.
Guess what I found!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by Laura at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 1 comments
My Weekend
Monday, September 29, 2008
This weekend was busy/crazy, and I'm actually glad to be going to work on Monday. The first part of it was just busy. Nash didn't sleep well, but nothing else out of the ordinary. We didn't have any major meltdowns Sunday morning and actually got to church on time. Lunch was pretty uneventful. Then the pee incidents began.
Posted by Laura at Monday, September 29, 2008 8 comments
Can you spot an attorney?
Friday, September 26, 2008
I watched the many, many people pouring into the courthouse this Friday motion morning, and I had my own bit of fun labeling them attorney, court reporter, or client. There's not really any other people heading into the courthouse at 9am on a Friday morning, and it's quite an entertaining game to play in your head. You should try it sometime.
Which leads me to my question, how do you know someone is an attorney just by looking at them?
I think that anyone in a black or gray suit within 3 blocks of the courthouse is automatically dubbed an attorney. It gets trickier the further away from the courthouse that you get. Funny thing is, that I've been asked whether I was an attorney at the Dollar Store and other various places I've frequented on my lunch break in East Memphis, nowhere near the courthouse. So, do you know how to spot an attorney? I'd love to hear your comments.
Just for fun, if you need some instruction in this area, you can try the Lawyer's Coloring Book.
Posted by Laura at Friday, September 26, 2008 1 comments
Dinner with Kids
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Before I tell this story, I must give you a little bit of background. Just over a week ago Shea had a short-lived biting problem. She bit two kids at daycare one day. The following weekend, she bit her cousins twice during the evening. I'm happy to report no biting since then. Now, on to the story.
On Monday night, we met my brother, Michael, and his family for dinner at Osaka in Cordova. Emma, Bess, and Shea were being a little rowdy, and Michael probably thought some conversation might calm them down. He instructed Emma to ask Shea what she did at daycare that day. Emma turned to Shea and genuinely asked in a friendly tone, "What did you do at daycare today, Shea? Did you bite anybody?" As the rest of us laughed, Emma got embarrassed. It was simply adorable. I love Emma's questions.
That incident was followed by multiple trips to the bathroom with multiple kids, and Shea repeatedly yelling in the middle of the restaurant, "I need to poo poo," when she really didn't. She just likes to say "poo poo." She inherited that from her dad. I hope that she grows out of it.
Posted by Laura at Thursday, September 25, 2008 2 comments
A trip to the zoo
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Posted by Laura at Thursday, September 11, 2008 0 comments
Matt Damon and Sarah Palin
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I've written on sexism and politics with regard to Hilary Clinton. Now, I'm addressing the subject as it relates to Sarah Palin. I find this article rather disturbing:
Matt Damon: Sarah Palin Presidency Would Be Like a 'Really Bad Disney Movie'
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Actor Matt Damon said a Sarah Palin presidency would be like "a really bad
Disney movie.""I think there's a really good chance Sarah Palin could become
president, and I think that's a really scary thing," he told the Associated
Press, referring to the Republican vice presidential nominee.
Click here to see the Damon video
Damon suggested the odds are John McCain won't survive his first term."It's
like a really bad Disney movie," he said. "The hockey mom, you know, 'Oh, I'm
just a hockey mom'... and she's facing down [Russian] President Putin... It's
totally absurd... It's a really terrifying possibility."
Damon also said he believes she was chosen for "political purposes."
Last month, the actor told Conde Nast Traveler he fears putting his foot in
his mouth.
"For a lot of actors, our biggest fear is that we're going to start talking
about things we don't fully understand and sound like idiots," he said. "In the
long run, I'll do much more good if, when I open my mouth, I have something
worth saying."
Talk about putting his foot in his mouth! His statement implies that he thinks that because she's a "hockey mom," she can't handle herself in international politics. It's a sexist statement, but it probably reflects the thoughts of many regarding women in prominent positions. In my practice, I've been suprised at how often I encounter clients who think that a male attorney will be able to negotiate better with a tough defense attorney. These generalizations are incredibly sexist and flat out wrong. A hockey mom can be a strong person capable of handling herself in an international arena. If you decide to vote against her because you disagree with her politics, that's fine. However, if you decide to vote against her because you think that a "hockey mom" generally is not capable of handling herself in the office of President or Vice-President, then that is just sad. A hockey mom can be a strong and intelligent person who happens also to be a wife and a mother. Being a wife and a mother of kids who play sports should not disqualify a person from holding public office. The ability of a person should perform a job should depend on her strengths, training, experience, and personality and not on her sex. I once thought that we were past this issue, but my experience has taught me otherwise. GRRR!
Posted by Laura at Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
My friend, Elizabeth, took our pictures this weekend, and she did an absolutely phenomenal job! You can see some of them here.
Posted by Laura at Monday, September 08, 2008 4 comments
I've been tagged!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Here's some juvenile fun.
My friend, Maribeth, tagged me, and so here you go . . .
Here are the rules as I understand them:
1. Include a link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell six unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag six bloggers by linking.
5. Leave a comment for each blogger.
1. I always make too much food. Whenever we attend a pot luck or party where we're supposed to bring food, rarely do I arrive with just one item. I think it's a hereditary trait. My aunt jokes about the church potlucks my mother's family attended when they were growing up because my grandmother would cook an entire meal instead of just one item. My mother and I don't normally go that far, but we both like to have plenty of food at any social gathering. For example, for our Labor Day party at the Kerrigan's, I brought homemade chocolate chip cookies, baked beans in a crock pot, and fruit w/ fruit dip. I love to make people happy with yummy food.
2. I'm a perfectionist, but not a normal one. You would never guess by looking at my house or my office that I'm a perfectionist, but I am. Things are normally a mess because I don't attempt to clean or straighten up unless I have time to do it perfectly. For example, I normally start to clean my room by organizing my closet. I can't put clothes in it until it looks perfect. If I don't have the time to do it perfectly right, I'd just rather not do it at all.
3. I LOVE grammar. While I don't always proofread my posts on my blog or get everything right when I first publish my post, I am still quite the grammar stickler and will correct previous posts when I see a grammar error. I do recognize that some grammar rules are ridiculous in informal writing, so I've matured to the point that I can occasionally break them. Although, even when I break them there had better be a darn good reason to do so. I'm also a master blue booker, but only my lawyer friends will have any idea what that means. Sadly, bluebooking is not as important in real practice as it was in law school. Sigh.
4. I have very clean ears. I normally clean them at least once a day. The doctor has actually remarked while looking in my ear, "Wow, your ears are clean!"
5. I love to argue. That's not really a surprise to anyone who knows me well. I enjoy a good discussion, and I've even been known to start arguments for fun. It drives Jon nuts, and I have to remember that not everyone enjoys "discussions" as much as I do.
6. I loathe two-door cars. When I was very little, we lived in Tallahassee, FL, and my mom drove a red station wagon. Then one day in 1985, Hurricane Kate was on her way to the Florida coast. It was raining when my dad got home from work, so he parked in my mother's parking spot in the driveway because it was closer to the front door. When my mom got home, she had to park where my dad usually parked. That night, the hurricane hit, and we had bad tornados in Tallahassee. Thankfully, we were alright, but a tree had fallen on my mom's station wagon. She was not happy because Daddy's Nova was just fine in her usual parking spot. :) That good 'ole station wagon was replaced with my grandmother's two door circa 1979 Cutlass Supreme. I endured many car trips crammed in the back seat with my two brothers. Finally, in December of 1993, my mom got a minivan. I was in heaven. I had my own bench for car trips. What could be better? To this day, I cringe at the thought of ever having a two-door car. I don't like any two door car, no matter how sporty or cool it is. God-willing, I will never own a two-door car. They're simply awful.
okay, tag you are it:
Posted by Laura at Saturday, September 06, 2008 1 comments
Labor Day
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Posted by Laura at Wednesday, September 03, 2008 0 comments